Operations |
Premium Oil - At Jersey Oil, you don't pay more for the highest quality fuel oil available. |
Reliable Deliveries - From certified meters to a dependable fleet of tankers and drivers. |
Complete Care - You get it all at Jersey
Oil: installations,
service, budgets, and more. |
Tank Guide - Jersey Oil is your one stop
authority for all your Oil Tank needs. |
Service Area - Serving Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset and Union counties. |
Discount Pricing - Check our current prices and calculate your delivery cost. |
Info |
Industry Links - Important links to energy assistance, conservation and industry sites. |
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about things that
interest you. |
Careers - Become part of the Jersey Oil team. Complete an online application today!. |
Clients |
Schedule Delivery - Use our online form to schedule or call (888) 645-6450 |
Full Service |
Complete Care
- Jersey Oil is your full service oil provider. What does this mean? It means we provide a full menu
of services to our customers. We have two methods of delivery: automatic or will-call. We provide
market pricing or price protection plans. We have budget plans that spread your cost throughout the
year. Our Tank Insurance programs can help insure your financial security. Our affiliated service
department is one of the largest in the state and provides a wide array of oil mechanics, plumbers
and electricians. You can’t find a more robust company to take care of you. You can be comfortable
knowing Jersey Oil.
Installations and Service - Why settle for a discount oil company who can't
support your service, maintenance, and installation needs. With Jersey Oil, you get a relationship that includes
Ryan Heating, one of New Jersey's premium oil contractors. Ryan provides maintenance and service on boilers, furnaces,
burners, and oil tanks, along with installations and oil-to-gas conversions.
Thus, at Jersey, you're not only get
a premiere oil company, you get a complete
care and protection package beyond even that of a full-priced oil company.
EasyPay© Budgeting -
Why get stuck with huge energy bills over just a few winter months. By using EasyPay© Budgeting,
you can spread the cost of oil services evenly throughtout the year. Sign up for EasyPay© and enjoy
reasonable payments month after month. With EasyPay© monthly budget payments are automatically
applied from your checking or credit card. Calculating your budget payment is easy: We estimate your
yearly fuel oil and ComfortPlus costs and divide them into 12 even monthly payments. Click here to
sign up.